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Born in Austin, Texas to German parents; moved to Munich, Germany, at 8 years of age, later to Düsseldorf. Studied Painting and Performance Art at Hochschule der Bildenden Kuenste Saar, Saarbruecken, Germany, and at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Canada. Moved to New York City in 1996. Halona makes objects and collages. Her work has been included in various group and solo shows in Germany, France, Canada, China, the UAE and the United States. Halona co-founded Full Tank, an all-female experimental band with all original songs; her current band is Fetzig, also a DIY band. She lives in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn.


Art offers unlimited freedom to do, say, and make anything at all.  As an artist, one has complete control over the world one is creating. (For this reason, making art is so fantastic for children - in exercising that unlimited control, free from adults’ directives, children learn confidence and joy.) My own work features themes of empathy; life going hand in hand with death; spiritual connection with the natural world; and humankind’s grappling with its own destructive instincts. I like to employ a wide variety of media, though in recent years I’ve concentrated on making wall objects and collages. I very much enjoy a haptic quality:  feeling different materials with my fingers - hands and mind searching for specific thoughts and expressions - while working on a bigger whole.


Halona Hilbertz 2024

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